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April 24-28, 2023

          The end of my teaching internship is fast approaching and I want to be honest that I will be missing these little kids. The sweetness and care they showed to me during my internship journey. This is meant to be the final week of our Teaching Internship, but due to the consequences of my absences, I will be prolonged till the next week. Since it was our remediation week, this week was a little more convenient for me because there will be fewer pupils. My CT came up with a plan and set up wherein those who need more practice writing letters and those assigned to be little teachers come on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, while those who need a review of lessons and more practice in reading and the assigned little teachers will come on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The idea of little teachers was from my CT because she felt that learner-to-learner interaction would increase learning. After all, they are the same age and might feel more at ease with their peers. I observed this entire week because I watched how they worked together with their pairings and how much they were learning. It was fulfilling for me because I saw their eagerness to learn and help those in need. As young learners, these small beings understand their responsibilities as a student. Throughout the week me and my CT  and did was introduce the duty to the little teachers, review their learners' outputs, and provide advice and support on how and what they would do while teaching their peers. The strategy which my CT utilized, proves effective since I witnessed the learners' eagerness on the first day, and it appears that the next day will only be a review.
        We got an invitation on Friday from Ma'am Anne to participate in the said program "Academic-based extension activity 2023" at San Vicente Elementary School. I had the opportunity to witness the exhibits and how innovative the BEEd-II students are. Also, they story tells in each of the classes and I was assigned in Grade 3, and after observing and listening to the storytellers, I can say that they are good readers for young learners. I was a little jealous at the time because I assumed that if there was no pandemic during our second year, we would have experienced it as well. We lost out on a lot of experiences during the pandemic, but now I'm thankful to have experienced an actual school setting. 
        The improvement of the learners was the turning point of this week since happy children are also happy teachers, and the way they learned was a rewarding sensation for teachers. The experiences I had this week were positive because they allowed me to unlock some of my learning and techniques. For example, as teachers, we can collaborate with our students to work with their classmates, as my CT did, and I think this is something I will use in the future. 

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