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February 20-23, 2023


       It was difficult and draining each day in teaching Kindergarten. It takes a lot of energy throughout the day. Lesson plans, worksheets, teaching aids and activities for students are just a few of the many things that teacher need to prepare. Teachers' physical. mental, and emotional healthy is also affected and the financial situation is taken into account because they have many responsibilities, yet, it's rewarding to teach especially when you see how much the learners are learning from you. 

         Monday, February 20 was my first day teaching Kindergarten-Sampaguita. I was nervous , but I managed to deliver the lessons, I used real pictures in my presentation to be visualized by my students lesson, and ,my CT said that it was good showing real pictures to learners could see the actual of it. Nonetheless, my CT remarked that she could feel and see that I'm nervous bu,t she encouraged me to talk in front of the class with more confidence and advised me to feel comfortable and as though she was not there. In addition, she said that because it was my first day/time, everything was okay and good but I still need to improve things. I took note of what she said and told myself to be better. On the next day-Tuesday, I delivered my lesson well but, I forgot something during my lesson in meeting time 1 such as asking questions- Bakit at paano to check if learners really understand the lesson about churches. I also made a group activity which my CT commends me for and I saw the learners were collaborating and quiet while doing their task. Thumbs up for the great experience with group activity I utilized, will definitely try again. On Wednesday, my CT stated my good points like I'm good at giving scenarios to learners using Bakit at Paano but she added that next time I should be careful about asking questions and I had a mistake during that lesson I know to myself so I willmake bawi for my mistake and improve things. The next day thursday, was no classes because of the annual check up of teachers at my coperating school. 

            I experienced variety of emotions, including excitement and joy as well as worry and what ifs, what if i'm unable to teach my learners effectively, some scenario like that. Thus, I insisted on leaving them set aside and giving God control initially. Above all, managing the class session was terrific experience for me as its my first time intern. It wasn't  easy but I managed to pull it off successfully despite of feeling at bit uneasy. As i already stated, I continue to grow and develop as a person. 


My first day teaching the young learners.


Learners doing their first ever group activity.


Flexing the creative work of my pupils as they decorated the churches using cut out papers.

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